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A JGT Reinforced Road Subgrade in Bangladesh
Geo textiles

A JGT Reinforced Road Subgrade in Bangladesh

Written by: Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan

The study is about the project undertaken to widenthe existing road in Bangladesh

The Project

The work undertaken is a part of Airport Road-Rokeya SharoniLink Road Project, funded by Dhaka City Corporation and executed by 16 EngineerConstruction Battalion of the Corps of Engineers of Bangladesh Army. The aim ofthe work is to widen the existing road for creating an extra lane for thevehicles entering cantonment. The lane is to be used by one-way traffic. Thesite is located along the Airport Road and 50 meter south of Birsreshtho ShahidJahangir Gate (3rd Gate) of Dhaka Cantonment. The work site has atrapezoidal shape with a length of 140 feet and a variable width ranging from21 feet to 7 feet. Total work area is 1960 sq-ft (304 sq-m).

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About the Authors

Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan is associated with Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) and Major Md Masudur Rahman iswith Military Institute of Science & Technology (MIST).

JGT:Jute Geotextiles

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