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Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan
Professor @ Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology

Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan


Educational Qualification(s)

Work Experience

Area of Specialization
Technical Textiles

Present Occupation

Awards and Recognition
He is a Fellow of The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh and member of different Councils.

Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan is the Professor of the country’s most prestigious Department of Civil Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Prof. Khan graduated in Civil Engineering from BUET in 1992 and completed his MSC in 1995 from the same school. Having awarded the Commonwealth Scholarship, he earned his PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, UK in 1999. His PhD work was focused on the ‘Isothermal behaviour of geosynthetics under single stage and multi stage loadings’.

Prof. Khan has been working on development of Jute Geo textiles (JGT) for civil engineering applications ever since his return from the UK. He has already supervised two post graduate research students related to the development of JGT and has three more in the ongoing stage.

Apart from his involvement with many professional works at national and international levels, Prof. Khan has more than twenty publications in different referred journals and conferences.

Publications/ Books/ Papers

He has many articles on his credit.

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