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Dr. Subrata Das
Head (Training Services) @ Jeans Knit Private Limited, FFI-Global Group, Bangalore.

Dr. Subrata Das


Educational Qualification(s)
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Ph.D, Textile Technology, 1993 - 1996 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi M.Tech, Fibre Science & Technology, 1984 - 1986 Calcutta University B.Sc (Tech) Textile Technology, Textile Technology, 1979 - 1983

Work Experience
45 Years

Area of Specialization
Textile Chemical processing, Quality assurance, Colour management, Garment Product Evaluation, Product safety, Order risk review and Management of Restricted Substances in textile and apparel supply chain.

Present Occupation
Head (Training Services)

Awards and Recognition
Leading Engineers of the World 2013 International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England March 2013 Many thousands of biographies from a wide variety of sources are investigated by the Research and editorial Departments of the International Biographical Centre each year for inclusion in their reference books and consideration for their Award programme. A select few are those of individuals who, in their belief, have made a significant enough contribution in their field to engender influence on a local, national or international basis. I have been recognised as one of these contributors to excellence and considered and nominated for recognition by the Internatioanal Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England as a member of the IBC LEADING ENGINEERS of the WORLD 2013.

Graduation, post graduation and doctorate in Textile Technology with specialisation in Textile Chemical

processing, Quality assurance, Colour management, Garment Product Evaluation, Product safety, Order

risk review and Management of Restricted Substances in textile and apparel supply chain. Technical

Assessor in Chemical scope including RSL and MRSL for NABL (ISO/IEC 17025) audits in the field of

TEXTILE, LEATHER, RUBBER and TOYS covering India and Bangladesh.. So far conducted 50 audits

in MNC and .leading textile organisation. Exposure in the textile / garment processing and MNC third

party technical service industry (BV, SGS, and CTL) both in India and Bangladesh. And also experience in

international buying office (Li & Fung) in Bangalore and looked after technical aspects of Tommy Hilfiger

brand in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. GOTS witness audit in apparel supply chain.

Publications/ Books/ Papers

Quality characterisation of apparel Woodhead Publishing India March 31, 2009 Performance of home textiles Woodhead Publishing India March 31, 2010 Product Safety and Restricted Substances in Apparel Woodhead Publishing India Pvt Limited, New Delhi, Cambridge, Oxford, Philadelphia February 2013

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