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Fabric Sensor for Sign Language Console
Clothing textiles

Fabric Sensor for Sign Language Console

Written by: Fibre2Fashion

Thelast decade has seen a sea change in the integration of textile and electronicsin our lives. Coming age of generations who are having more acceptances of newmodes of communication and information sharing is instantaneous. This is notsame case with disables people like mute and dume for them communicate with normalpeople is difficult task. The project is taken to give some help to society byfinding out some useful device like Sign Language Console, which would be ableto detect the sign. The main objective of this work to make the entire consolewireless, so that the user can use this console even when he/she stood at aconsiderable distance from the main unit on which there was the display and usemore durable sensors to increase reliability of the console.

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This article wasoriginally presented at the ICTN 2010 organized by IIT New Delhi. Theauthors of this article Dr. Hireni Mankodi & Sorum Kotia isAssociate Professor in Faculty ofTechnology and Engineering, The M.S. University of Baroda, India.

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