Raincut Erosion Control of Topsoil with Geojute and Vegetation in Bangladesh

Written by: <Authors><Author><Id>263</Id><Name>Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan</Name><FriendlyName>dr-abdul-jabbar-khan</FriendlyName></Author></Authors>

The side slopes of roadways and hill slopes in the South-Easternmountainous part of Bangladesh are vulnerable to raincut erosion. The roadslopes are protected against rain induced erosion by providing concrete coversnear the bridge approaches and by placing thick clay cladding elsewhere.Concrete covers are expensive and clay material is becoming more and more scarcethese days. A study has been undertaken in this high intensity rainfall area toshow the technical adequacy and cost effectiveness of protection of road sideslopes with geojute and vegetation. The slopes have been monitored for the lasttwo monsoons and the results are highly encouraging.

Similar approach has been used for the protection raininduced sliding of a hill slope in the same area which is otherwise stable. Thebulk of soil loss before this geojute-bioengineered solution was so high, thatoften the major road network of the area used to be disrupted. Sinceimplementation of the geojute and vegetative cover, no such hazard has been reportedby the maintenance department for the last two monsoons.

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About the Authors

Prof. Dr.Abdul Jabbar Khan is associated with Bangladesh University of Engineering &Technology (BUET) and Major Md Masudur Rahman is with Military Institute ofScience & Technology (MIST).