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Donaldson reports record fourth quarter

30 Aug '12
6 min read

Donaldson Company Inc announced its financial results for its fiscal 2012 fourth quarter.

“We are very pleased to report record fourth quarter and full-year sales, operating margins, net earnings, and EPS,” said Bill Cook, Chairman, President and CEO. “In the quarter, our sales in local currencies increased 11 percent over the prior year; the change in exchange rates due to the stronger U.S. dollar reduced this to the 5 percent increase we reported above. Industrial Products segment sales increased 20 percent in local currency, led by a 51 percent increase in Gas Turbine Products. Sales in our Engine Products segment increased 6 percent in local currency with growth in both Off-Road and On-Road Products. Our Aftermarket Products local currency sales were up 6 percent globally, with 10 percent growth in the Americas offsetting weaker market conditions in Europe and Asia.”

“Our operating margin was 15.1 percent, which was a new fourth quarter record. We continued to enjoy the benefits of great operating leverage and from our many Continuous Improvement initiatives. We have also remained diligent in managing our operating expenses.”

“We are beginning our new fiscal year with forecasted global GDP growth rates lower than they were a year ago. While we are not immune to the economic conditions in any of our end markets, we expect to deliver a sales increase of 5 to 9 percent in FY13 by executing our detailed Strategic Plans. By focusing on our global growth opportunities and operational excellence, we forecast delivering another EPS record of between $1.82 and $1.96 per share in FY13.”

The impact of foreign currency translation decreased sales by $36.3 million, or 5.8 percent, during the fourth quarter and decreased sales by $38.7 million, or 1.7 percent, for the year. The impact of foreign currency translation decreased reported net earnings by $3.9 million, or 5.9 percent, during the fourth quarter and decreased reported net earnings by $4.0 million, or 1.8 percent, for the year.

Gross margin was 35.0 percent for both the quarter and the year, compared to prior year margins of 36.3 percent for the quarter and 35.5 percent for the year. The year-over-year decrease is primarily attributable to the combination of the planned ramp-up of our newest plant in Aguascalientes, Mexico, lower fixed cost absorption in Asia, and increased purchased commodity costs internationally due to the stronger U.S. dollar. These were partially offset by the benefits from our ongoing Continuous Improvement initiatives.

Operating expenses for the quarter were $130.3 million, down 4.9 percent from $137.0 million last year, but equal with last year in local currency. As a percent of sales, operating expenses were 19.8 percent in the quarter compared to last year's 21.9 percent. Reduced distribution and warranty costs and our ongoing cost controls provided improved operating leverage. Operating expenses for the year were $510.7 million, or 20.5 percent of sales, compared to $498.5 million, or 21.7 percent of sales, last year.

The effective tax rate for the quarter was 30.7 percent, compared to a prior year rate of 27.3 percent. Last year's fourth quarter included $2.6 million of tax benefits primarily from the expiration of some statutes of limitations and the favorable impact of foreign subsidiary dividends. For the year, the effective tax rate was 28.7 percent compared to the prior year's rate of 27.9 percent.

As part of our ongoing share repurchase program we repurchased 1,491,000 shares, or 1.0 percent of our diluted outstanding shares, for $47.7 million during the quarter. For the year, we repurchased 4,504,000 shares, or 2.9 percent of our diluted outstanding shares, for $130.2 million.

Our global headcount is now approximately 13,600 and is up 500 from this time a year ago.

FY13 Outlook

We forecast delivering record sales and earnings in FY13 as we manage through uncertain economic conditions while continuing to invest in our business for growth.

•We project our sales to be between $2.62 and $2.72 billion, or up 5 to 9 percent. Our current forecast is based on the Euro at US$1.24 and 78 Yen to the US$. We expect foreign currency translation to have a negative impact on sales for most of our fiscal year.
•Our full year operating margin is forecast to be 14.6 to 15.4 percent. Included in this forecastt is $6 million for an increase in pension expense and $6 million for our Global Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project that is beginning this year.

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