In accordance with a resolution by Valmet Corporation's Board of Directors, Valmet Corporation has conveyed a total of 13,911 Valmet shares held by the company to 25 key Valmet employees included in the group's share-based incentive program 2011-2013.
In accordance with a resolution by Valmet Corporation's Board of Directors, Valmet Corporation has conveyed a total of 13,911 Valmet shares held by #
The handover date for the shares was April 30, 2014, after which the remaining number of shares in the company held by Valmet Corporation is 399.
In accordance with a resolution by Valmet Corporation's Board of Directors, Valmet Corporation has conveyed a total of 13,911 Valmet shares held by #
Metso Corporation's Board of Directors resolved on the terms and conditions of the share-based incentive program 2011-2013 in September 2010. The terms and conditions of the program are described in greater detail in Valmet's Corporate Governance Statement for 2013.
In accordance with a resolution by Valmet Corporation's Board of Directors, Valmet Corporation has conveyed a total of 13,911 Valmet shares held by #