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Fill to show high-speed system that lays prepregs at CE

10 Sep '13
3 min read

Industrialization of the manufacturing processes paves the way to cost-effective production of fiber-composite components. Fill forges a bridge from the fiber to the tested finished component at Composites Europe.

In the form of the speedlayer 800, Fill has developed a high-speed system that lays prepregs quickly, accurately, reproducibly, and with very little waste. The preformliner from Fill transforms 2D parts into an individually defined free form (3D) in a reliable, fully automatic process.

X-Ray Solution allows component inspection to be integrated directly in the production process. Efficient processes ensure cost-effective production of high-strength fiber-composite components.

"We support our customers on the road to series production with well-engineered, high-tech solutions along the entire production chain. Fast, flexible and cost-effective" explains Wilhelm Rupertsberger, Head of the Polyurethane Composites Competence Center at Fill.

Based on the speedlayer prepreg laying system, Fill is now also building laying systems for particularly wide dry fibers. The integration and automation of effective cutter systems for producing semi-finished fiber products opens new avenues in the field of fiber and preforming.

At Composites Europe from 17 to 19 September 2013 in Stuttgart, the Austrian machine engineering experts will also be presenting a newly developed 3D cutter. This machine is supplied with a standard Sinumerik 840 D. It can be seen in the Fill Composite Cube in Hall 6/C06.


The Fill development team has achieved a milestone in the construction of inspection systems. The newly developed, robot-guided inspection systems define a new standard in terms of accuracy and speed. Innovative control and compensation systems test with a previously unachieved precision and speed.

In the form of X-ray engineering, another new technology has entered into service in the inspection and testing methods employed at Fill. Together with sister company weitblick systems, Fill is supplying the first systems with integrated image processing for carbon sheets. This significantly improves the quality control in carbon production.

High-volume production of composite parts:

In the field of thermoplastics, integrated systems are being developed in cooperation with Engel – the global market leader in injection molding – for the high-volume production of composite parts. The systems impress with the highest levels of cost-effectiveness, quality and flexibility.

Transparency provides perspective:

The EFFICIENCY CONTROL COCKPIT (ECC) plant information system is an IT-supported tool for the acquisition, storage, and evaluation of data from production systems. Fully automated acquisition and central storage of all technically and organizationally important data guarantees excellent data quality.

Structured processing of all data ensures optimum transparency, even with the most complex of systems. With ECC, the processes are optimized and productivity maximized. Potential savings in energy and resources become apparent and can consequently be implemented. Furthermore, ECC assists with maintenance, quality assurance and investment planning.

Deserved recognition:

A number of Fill's achievements pertaining to both technical innovation and personnel development are repeatedly rewarded internationally.

Composite Europe

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