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Final Report Heimtextil 2012

20 Jan '12
8 min read

Particularly pleasing in this connection is the correlation of the good results of the fair reported by German exhibitors and visitors with the positive assessments of the economic outlook. In both cases, significantly more German exhibitors and visitors expressed themselves in positive terms. Thus, there was a leap in the number of good to very good ratings for visitor target groups reached (up 12 percent points to 79 percentt) and visitor quality (from 69 percent to 86 percent). The estimation of the economic outlook made by exhibitors from outside Germany is not so optimistic – 27 percent of foreign exhibitors are pessimistic against only eight percent of their German colleagues.

In view of this, a successful fair is all the more encouraging. Thus, a remarkable 81 percent of non-German exhibitors said they are satisfied to very satisfied in terms of achieving their goals for the fair.Beddinghouse – Jan Harmsen, Sales Manager Europe, from The Netherlands (Hall 11.0): “That was the best fair ever. Yes, we held very good discussions. Visitor quality was very high – not only with regard to European visitors but also to those from other parts of the world. Heimtextil is the only fair that has a genuine worldwide impact. I never thought we would take so many orders, especially from whole¬salers.”

The large number of established and new exhibitors also benefited British exhibitors. Thus, Matthew Crew, Brand Designer and Marketing Manager of Pavilion Textiles Ltd. (Hall 4.1), said, “Our company was founded 22 years ago and we are now Great Britain's leading sheer curtain and fabric supplier. We used Heimtextil for the worldwide launch of our new Vanilla brand and are very, very pleased with the results. Now, we can really begin selling on a worldwide basis. At Heimtextil, we reached new markets in 45 countries alone during the first two days!”

Wallpaper was the subject of particular attention at Heimtextil 2012. Many renowned companies presented their new collections in Hall 3.1, the Wall Gallery special show displayed the most innovative products in the right light and a marketing campaign launched at the Heimtextil is set to make the new furnishing worlds the talk of many towns. Thus, Karsten Brandt, Director of the German Wallpaper Institute in Düsseldorf, was delighted with the new trend towards wallpaper: “Our member companies represented here are very pleased with the course of business at the fair – especially with the quality of the contacts made. The echo, particularly from German buyers, was excellent – a good atmosphere with no trace of caution or recession and nothing to indicate a decline in demand in 2012. This is more noticeable among foreign buyers. Nevertheless, the number of visitors and orders from purchasing associations and wholesalers from Russia and China was very good. Here in Frankfurt, we launched our 2012 Road Show on its tour of seven German cities. This was a very successful start to 'Wallpaper on Tour'!”

More than 400 manufacturers drew attention to the latest innovations for textile furnishings in the contract sector and architecture, as well as sustainable home textiles, via special offers and a series of expect lectures and awards ceremonies in the special 'Let's talk about…' area (Halle 5.1/6.1). And met with an extremely positive echo from architects and interior architects from the whole of Germany and neighbouring countries. On behalf of Architects Titus Bernhard, CEO Titus Alexander Bernhard said, “Heimtextil is the best fair for seeing the latest developments and trends for interior textiles – fabrics, curtains, sun-protection systems, carpets, etc. – everything that gives a home personality. That's why we attend Heimtextil! Architects and interior architects visit the fair because it is an outstanding platform for the contract business.”

Aimed at interior decorators and furnishing experts, the Heimtextil Coupon Business Finder lists companies that supply fabrics in very small to small quantities – a vital service for this important group of visitors from the handicrafts sector. Frank Meiners, proprietor of Raumaustattung Meiners in Fürth: “This is the third time we have participated in the Heimtextil Insider programme for interior decorators – because it caters exactly for our needs. For me, it has always been important to keep track of the latest trends. We are spending two days at this year's Heimtextil and have gathered an incredible amount of information about innovations, atmospheres, energy and ideas. Next year, we want to integrate home textiles from foreign manufacturers into our range. Then, we will spend three days here. For us, Heimtextil is the most important trade fair thanks to the individual facilities and services for interior decorators.”

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