The STIR-Technology offers important benefits for the automation of the manufacturing processes, especially for warming up of thin-walled prepregs-material in the infrared tunnel in the field of fiber reinforced composites.
Furthermore it brings advantages in the finishing of components by coating, agglutination of thermoplastic or thermosetting GRP/CFRP parts, welding of composites as well as the performing of small repairs on damaged components, such as rotor blades.
The hardening with STIR-heaters has a potential for time and energy savings above all. By exchanging a convective heating system by STIR-Technology, the energy can be implemented directly and contact-free into the component, without requiring the component carrier.
The STIR-radiation can exactly be adjusted to the process and the product. The rapid response of the STIR-heaters ensures the heat to be adjustable dosed correctly. Furthermore the heat source must not be cleaned constantly due to the contact-free heating.
E³ - Energy Efficient Emitters – This is the core competency of our company for more than 12 years. An important benefit in our product- and service-portfolio is the customization according to the customer's specifications, forming of 3D-geometries as well as higher radiated power in the medium-waved IR-spectrum.
Due to its diversified spectrum of exhibits, consisting of small emitters as well as complete modules, it is going to present an entire range reflecting the wide spectrum of its products on the Composites Europe 2013.