Technical Textile to get pride of place at Vibrant Gujarat

November 29, 2012 - India

The nascent but burgeoning Indian technical textiles industry will get a pride of place at the one of the most awaited biennial trade events in India – “The Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show 2013” to be held between January 8 and 13, 2013, in the capital of Gujarat – Gandhinagar.

This massive trade show which is expected to attract visitors from more than 100 countries will showcase more than 25 industrial and service sectors and will be spread over 100,000 sq metres. The textiles sector will be spread over around 10,000 sq metres, with the small but growing of technical textiles sector has been allotted a floor space of 2,000 sq metres.

Understanding the potential of growth and employment generation, technical textiles will be a focus area at the Vibrant Gujarat Summit. More than 100 exhibitors – domestic and international from the technical textiles and nonwovens industry are expected to partake in the show.

The Vibrant Gujarat Summit presents a opportunities in brand building, networking, striking joint ventures / collaborations, showcasing products and sourcing opportunities.

Visitors profile includes institutional buyers like defense, railways, hospitals, etc, Central and State Government Departments, construction & automotive companies, Standard setting bodies like BIS and international buyers / sourcing agents. Also get an opportunity to interact with Textile Research Institutes and Centers of Excellence.

Technical Textiles and Gujarat an Inter-Weave of Growth
With the capacity to achieve an annual growth of over 20% and market size estimated to grow from US$ 13 billion to US$ 36 billion by 2016-17, technical textiles offers India huge opportunities for local consumption as well as for exports.

Considering the inherent strength of the Indian technical textile industry India is expected to emerge as a key player in the global technical textile arena in the future. The Government of India has been incentivizing technical textile industry through Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) and Technology Mission on Technical Textiles (TMTT).

Recognizing the importance of the technical textile industry to the holistic growth of the Indian economy, the state government of Gujarat has also been giving this industry a major thrust, providing special focus in its recently released textile policy.

Gujarat is quickly emerging as a hub for the technical textiles sector with an industry size of Rs 200 billion contributing over 25 percent to the textiles sector as a whole.

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