Ahlstrom releases 2012 sustainability report

March 07, 2013 - Finland

Ahlstrom, a global leader in high performance fiber-based materials, published today its third stand-alone Sustainability Report.

The Sustainability Report 2012 complies with the B+ application of the Global Reporting Initiative G3 guidelines (version 3.0). The quantitative information on economic, social and environmental responsibility has been assured by PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy.

Ahlstrom offers products with purpose that protect people, purify air and liquids, and provide surface and structure for its customers' products. The products are made from sustainably sourced raw materials. Last year, 91% of the fibers used were from renewable sources, 81% certified or controlled wood. The Ahlstrom Supplier Code of Conduct was successfully implemented among Ahlstrom's main raw material suppliers.

Ahlstrom's target is a safe workplace. The accident frequency rate decreased by 46% compared to previous year: 20 plants out of 34 did not have any Lost Time Accidents. Last year, a behavior-based safety program was rolled out.

Ahlstrom demonstrates its environmental responsibility by minimizing the environmental impacts of the company's operations. Ahlstrom's goal is to eliminate waste-to-landfill by 2015. The group-wide waste-to-landfill reduction compared to previous year was 45% while 11 plants already sent no waste-to-landfill.

Some 80% of a product's environmental impacts are determined in the design phase. Ahlstrom now has processes in place in product development where the company uses EcoDesign principles for all new products.

Click here to view full Ahlstrom's Sustainability Report 2012