Sandler wins Global Supplier Award 2011

December 08, 2011 - Germany

Sandler AG won the Global Supplier Award 2011 which the MANN+HUMMEL group, development partner and series supplier to the international automotive and mechanical engineering industry, awards to its top suppliers.

Under the slogan “connected for success“ MANN+HUMMEL invited 100 supplier representatives from 14 countries to Suttgart in September on occasion of the second international supplier day. The seven top partners were awarded for their continuously high performance regarding innovations, cost management, project management, service, quality, flexibility and sustainability. Among the winners is Sandler, who was awarded as a supplier of filter media.

“Accepting this award on behalf of the company Sandler was a special privilege to me”, says Dr. Ulrich Hornfeck, Vice President of Sales, Logistics and Procurement, who represented the company. “Sincere thanks to all responsible colleagues in the sales, product development, production, quality assurance and distribution departments.”

On occasion of the supplier day, MANN+HUMMEL emphasised that ever increasing customer demands require a consistent commitment to quality and flexibility on part of all participants in the value chain. Since 2000, MANN+HUMMEL has therefore been assessing ist suppliers and business partners twice a year. „We are committed to serving customers and remaining our good reputation“, says Frank B. Jehle, Deputy CEO. „Our partners share this success.“

For ten years Sandler AG has been supplying filter media to MANN+HUMMEL production sites worldwide. In doing so, joint developments which can be individually adapted are central – for example for optimal engine air, cabin air or fuel filtration. Apart from this award, Sandler AG recently became very much a talking point elsewhere in the industry. Two feature articles were published in the German industry journal “Filtrieren und Separieren” as well as in its North American counterpart “Filtration+Separation”. Both articles deal with energy efficiency, long-term stability of the filtration performance as well as long operating life.