Success of Reifenhauser in Anniversary Year

December 07, 2011 - Germany

The year 2011 that saw the 100th anniversary of the Reifenhäuser group is also its most successful business year of all time.

Record results achieved in 2010/2011 both in terms of order income and turnover were perhaps the best anniversary gift the manufacturer of machinery and equipment could give himself.

Compared with the previous record year in the company's history, sales revenues increased by twelve percent. An even more significant growth could be recorded in terms of new orders obtained in 2010/2011: The record figures of the previous period were exceeded by more than 50 percent. High double-digit growth rates could be achieved by the Reifenhäuser group for almost all of its product groups.

These are pleasing results, especially after the crisis year 2008/2009 that was difficult for Reifenhäuser and the whole mechanical engineering industry. Ulrich Reifenhäuser, member of the Reifenhäuser management board says: "We wanted to emerge from the crisis stronger than before and there is no doubt that we have accomplished this goal. The Reifenhäuser group's flexibility to respond to specific market situations has proven very successful in these dynamic times thanks to a strong focus of our independent companies on a product-oriented approach. The record results show that we have taken the right decisions."

Growth market India

In the past year, the Reifenhäuser group was able to win numerous contracts particularly in threshold countries where a pent-up growth dynamics had led to a fast economic revival. In India, the plastics industry strongly benefits from a rapidly growing middle class the consuming behaviour of which is changing due to a trend to smaller and dual-income families. In the coming years, double-digit growth rates are forecast for the flexible packaging market.

India's growing demand for film products is also reflected in a significant increase in the plant business of Reifenhäuser. Especially barrier lines and high-performance machinery are in great demand for blown film production. Reifenhäuser Kiefel Extrusion was able to win Mother Dairy, the renowned producer of AMUL dairy products, and the two Indian market leaders in the production of barrier films as new customers. Cast films are also increasingly in demand in India with a clear trend to lines for the production of polypropylene film, e.g. as laminated or metallised films or for food packaging.

The Reifenhäuser group is well positioned to handle the increasing number of orders from India directly at site: Reifenhäuser India Marketing Ltd. with more than 70 employees at its headquarters in Mumbai and seven additional locations in India supports the companies of the Reifenhäuser group in their service and sales activities.

Positive prospects of the Reifenhäuser group for the future

The start of the Reifenhäuser group into the business year 2011/2012 was again very positive after the past record period. The chances to even outperform the top results of the previous business year are not too bad. The company continues relying on the development of new technologies and products. Ulrich Reifenhäuser explains: "In our 100-year history we have always focused on our innovative force and we will continue making plastics extrusion sustainably successful in the years to come. Technological developments, e.g. improvements in nonwovens for hygiene applications, 9-layer blown film lines, surface protection film and optical films are only a few key issues that will secure the success of the Reifenhäuser group in the future."