Harper unveils unique multi-flow oxidation ovens for carbon fibre production

March 10, 2011 - United States Of America

Harper now offers unique Multi-Flow Oxidation Ovens to complement its thermal processing solutions, from furnaces to complete process lines for carbon fiber. Available in both research and production scale, Harper’s proprietary technology offers parallel, cross, and down airflow directions in a single oven. The uniformity specifications meet or exceed best-in-class for each flow regime.

Harper’s Oxidation Ovens go beyond what others offer in simple temperature uniformity. Our technology offers improvements in velocity uniformity, velocity range capability, modular construction techniques, advanced instrumentation and control, and superior atmospheric seals. Harper’s instrumentation improvements include a two-tier balancing methodology, responsive quench system and rapid cool down system, emissions monitoring, and inherently safer pressure relief system.

The distinctive end seal design eliminates loss of seal control and chimney effect as experienced with other ovens. The seals have independent adjustment of the top and bottom inside and outside slots. Additionally, the design includes separation plates between slot passes, so each pass acts as its own muffle. Each pass has an independent vent with adjustable draw control and the exhaust plenum connects to a dedicated fan/VFD. As a result of these innovative design features, there is no vertical mixing in the seal, less air ingress, and virtually no process gas escape.