Composite profiled window a good option for architects

November 16, 2012 - Switzerland

Windows made from composite profiles are becoming increasingly popular, for their excellent thermal insulation characteristics and ability to bring more light into homes. In close collaboration with Fiberline Composites, DSM has demonstrated that the Eco-Footprint of these windows can be substantially lower than the footprint of equivalent windows in traditional materials. This is good news for architects and for home owners that want to combine comfort in living with care for the environment.

DSM and Fiberline Composites have worked together to develop novel window solutions based on high strength and thin composite profiles. These materials allow increasing the effective glass surface, because of their high stiffness and strength. Also, composites are great heat insulators helping to reduce the energy bill of home owners by keeping the cold outside in winter.

DSM and Fiberline used the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to identify the material, energy and waste flows associated with the production of window products. The environmental impact or Ecofootprint helps to substantiate the positive contributions composites can bring to sustainability, in this case over windows made in aluminum.

“DSM has in-house expertise and a solid track record in performing LCAs”, says Robert Puyenbroek, Chief Technical Officer of DSM Composite Resins. “We are committed to lead the Composites industry in implementing LCAs as a key decision making tool for innovation and development processes. Consequently, DSM is actively involved in the development of international standards and guidelines for Life Cycle Assessment”.

“For DSM sustainability is about creating a competitive advantage for our customers, building new markets and business opportunities”, adds Fons Harbers, Sales Director DSM Composite Resins. “Additionally DSM has a clear mission to create brighter lives for people today and generations to come. So supporting the market introduction of composite windows that bring comfort to consumers fit our strategy very well”.