Molded Fiber Glass begins new production line

January 23, 2013 - United States Of America

Molded Fiber Glass Construction Products has begun production on a new round column form. The column forms will be sold for non-architectural uses such as light posts, parking lot lights, pipe lines and transmission lines. The advantages to the lower cost fiberglass base forms are you get multiple pours out of them, versus other single use forms. Additional advantages include smooth professional looking surface, sleeve can fit inside each other, environmentally friendly and can store easily outside without being damaged.

These columns will be made in lengths of 12 feet and under, with fewer fiberglasses compared to other column forms making them lighter and easier to move around. “Diameters for these columns can be 12 in or 24 in or other sizes by request. They will save project managers and contractor’s time and money, for larger projects”, said Business Manager, Jon Alloway.

Molded Fiber Glass Construction Products
MFG CP, formed in 1962 and a charter member of the World of Concrete manufacture a complete range of one-piece round column forms (RCFs), dome and pan forms for one-way and two-way joint slab floors, and custom forms fore cast-in-place concrete construction applications. Made of fiberglass reinforced thermo-set composites, MFG concrete forms can significantly reduce finishing costs and are fully re-usable.

Molded Fiber Glass Company
MFG Company was founded in Ashtabula Ohio in 1948 by Robert S. Morrison. Privately owned, current President/CEO Richard S. Morrison is responsible of Corporate Headquarters and the fifteen entities in the US and Mexico.