Acme Group launches NeuSorb recyclable absorbents

August 13, 2013 - United States Of America

The Acme Group is proud to announce its newest offerings to help North America’s largest manufacturers reach their “Zero Landfill” initiatives. On August 1, 2013, they were pleased to announce their recyclable industrial absorbents program called "NeuSorb”.

NeuSorb Recyclable Absorbents are a line of industrial absorbents and wipes most commonly used in manufacturing facilities and industrial processes. Instead of landfilling or incinerating spent absorbents, Acme reclaims the material and recycles it using a patented process that turns these troublesome waste streams into usable plastic resin. The resin is highly marketable and is often used by the originating waste generator.

"NeuSorb Recyclable Absorbents are a growing product line," said Matt Utley, Director of Sales for the Acme Group. He added "Right now the line comprises of Pads, Pillows, Socks and Wipes... but in time it will grow to cover specialty applications for manufacturers everywhere."

The Acme Group is currently partnering with North America’s largest manufacturers to assist them in reaching their environmental initiatives. We provide custom programs for filtration, absorbents and waste paint overspray. These programs are keeping millions of tons of industrial waste from going to landfill.

As industry continuously looks to streamline their process and improve their environmental impact, The Acme Group has redesigned their business model to positioning themselves as THE innovative leader in the field of industrial waste stream recycling. "We reformulated many of our rolled goods and filtration media making them entirely recyclable. The key was to maintain our high standards of performance, making sure our recyclable material performs the same or better as existing products. If it says 'NeuBond or NeuSorb' on the label, it’s recyclable. Our addition of the NeuSorb product line addresses a major waste stream. It takes us one step closer to helping our customers reach their zero landfill goals, while improving their bottom line," added Utley.

About Acme Group

Founded in 1917 as a textile supplier to Ford Motor Company for the Model T, the Acme Group has been creating creative textile solutions for their clients for 96 years. The Acme Group is a unique provider of industrial fabrics, textile services and filtration solutions. The array of companies consists of four divisions - Acme Mills, Fairway Products, Great Lakes Filters, and our minority owned business partner – Ervins Group. Collectively, these companies develop, manufacture, customize and distribute textiles and fabrics for a wide range of industries and applications.