TenCate develops world's lightest insert for body armours

September 10, 2013 - Netherlands

TenCate Advanced Armour has developed world's lightest insert for protecting against one of the most common gun threats globally; the AK47 Mild Steel Core.
The new TenCate Multi-light(TM) ultra lightweight ballistic solution offers unmatched protection and user comfort to soldiers and law enforcement personnel whilst ensuring high tactical mobility. These 750 square centimeter ballistic inserts have a record weight of less than 1 kilogram with less than 15 millimeter in thickness.
To create the new TenCate Multi-light(TM) insert series, TenCate Advanced Armour used advanced composite materials and state of the art technologies from the aerospace industry and adapted those into the production of these ballistic inserts.
In doing so, TenCate Advanced Armour has created the best and lightest soldier or law enforcement protection from AK47 MSC ever. From this new TenCate Multi-light(TM) CX Plus series, the ML133 insert offers a NIJ 0101.04 level III plus AK47 Mild Steel Core for a record weight of less than 1 kilogram (250x300mm), with less than 15 millimeter in thickness.
The ultimate protection
Cyril Veillat, Business Manager of TenCate Advanced Armour in Europe and Asia-Pacific states: 'This is the ultimate protection that soldiers and law enforcement personnel will not feel during their harsh jobs. Achieving such a high level of protection at such a low weight clearly supports the value proposition of the TenCate company.
By offering increased protection, end-user comfort and mobility by the application of advanced materials technology and manufacturing with the end-user requirements in mind, this solution is an example of our core customer promise 'protecting people'. This way, our research and development work ensures both increased safety and comfort for the end-user'.
Exhibited at DSEI and Milipol
During the DSEI (London, United Kingdom) in September and the Milipol (Paris, France) in November, TenCate Advanced Armour exhibits the TenCate Multi-light(TM) CX Plus series to a wider audience.
TenCate Advanced Armour is a global provider of customized, lightweight ballistic protection solutions for the complete range of requirements, from personal protection through all vehicle, helicopter and aircraft applications, as well as naval vessels up to and including principal warships.