June 24, 2022 - Germany
June 24, 2022 - Germany
A sustainability prize in the category of project work, endowed with €3,000 was awarded to Simon Hoebel, TU Dresden, for his thesis on recycled thermoplastic fibres for composite components, VDMA said in a press release.
Marina Michel, TU Dresden, received a sustainability award in the category of master, worth €3,500. The topic of her master thesis was the functionalisation of yarns for the filtration of micro- and nanoplastics from water.
A promotion prize in the category of project work, endowed with €4,000, was awarded to a student group from RWTH Aachen. The teamwork of Luis Gleissner, Leopold Habersbrunner, Frederic Olbrich and Frederik Schicks was the construction of a test rig for tests on oil-adsorbing textiles.
Felix Zerbes, RWTH Aachen, was awarded a promotion prize of €3,500 in the category Master. He developed a technical solution for air jet weaving to improve the quality of woven fabric.