US House passes statute making non-flushable wipes labelling binding

June 13, 2024 - United States Of America

The US House of Representatives recently passed legislation to protect water infrastructure by making it mandatory for manufacturers of non-flushable wipes to print ‘do not flush’ on their containers.

The chamber voted 351-56 for the Wastewater Infrastructure Pollution Prevention and Environmental Safety (WIPPES) Act (H.R. 2964), which has bipartisan Senate support.

The legislation will now move to the Senate for voting.

The decision is aimed at preventing expensive sewer infrastructure damage, Republican Representative Lisa McClain from Michigan state, the lead sponsor of the legislation, said.

Non-flushable wipes are not biodegradable and cause problems for plumbing, wastewater treatment equipment and septic systems. Wipe-created sewer backups can endanger public health.

The country’s Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) applauded the passage of Act.

“By addressing the non-flushable wipes issue in Congress, we can avoid a medley of differing state laws that would only lead to consumer confusion. This legislation will go a long way in addressing the challenges facing wastewater infrastructure, human health and the natural environment,” said David Spangler, CHPA’s senior vice president, legal, government affairs and policy, in a statement.