Finland’s Suominen bags gold medal in EcoVadis’ 2024 assessment

September 09, 2024 - Finland

Suominen took part in the EcoVadis assessment in 2024 for the third time and improved its score from a silver medal level to a gold medal level. This result places Suominen in the top 1 per cent of companies manufacturing other textiles industries and in the top 5 per cent of all companies in all industries rated by EcoVadis.

EcoVadis is a global leading corporate social responsibility rating provider. The EcoVadis assessment rates corporate sustainability on four themes: environment, labour & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Its methodology is based on internationally recognised principles and standards such as Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), UN Global Compact, and ISO 26000, the company said in a press release.

Compared to last year, improvements focused mainly on the topics under environment, labour & human rights and sustainable procurement. The drivers for improvements were implementation of new policies, implementation of new measures and documentation of existing processes as well as publication of additional sustainability reporting. According to EcoVadis, Suominen demonstrates an advanced sustainability management system that covers all four themes under review.

“Reaching a gold level in this year’s assessment is a result of continuous improvement of our sustainability work and an example of great collaboration between functions. Sustainability is at the core of both our strategy and all daily operations. We use these results to further improve our corporate social responsibility and sustainability work,” said Tommi Björnmanpresident and CEO of Suominen.